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Electronic Signatures

SigniFlow electronic signatures in Malawi lead this digital transformation, providing businesses and individuals with a reliable and legally recognised solution. Adopting electronic signatures has...

Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures are convenient and efficient, revolutionising business operations in the digital age. Understanding electronic signatures’ legal framework becomes crucial as more companies transition...


NEWS FROM SIGNIFLOW Welcome to the May newsletter In this edition, we will focus on the education sector and all the new and exciting...


NEWS FROM SIGNIFLOW Welcome to the April newsletter Our team has been working tirelessly to save you from finger fatigue caused by too many...

Electronic Signatures

An online signature refers to any web-based signature, such as a digital or electronic signature. This means it’s a person’s handwritten signature in digital...

Electronic Signatures

eSign refers to signing a document electronically. It is often called eSignatures, and they are the digital equivalent of handwritten signatures. eSign provides a...

Electronic Signatures

An eSignature is a type of electronic signature that enables individuals to sign documents using digital means. With eSignatures, users can authenticate their identity...

Electronic Signatures

In recent years, remote work, also referred to as “off-site” or “hybrid” work, has emerged as a viable solution to many workplace challenges. With...

Electronic Signatures

The notion of signatures has evolved beyond the conventional use of pen and paper in today’s digital era. The emergence of modern technology has...


NEWS FROM SIGNIFLOW Welcome to the March newsletter We’re delighted to have you on board as we embark on a journey through the newest...

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