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KYC Factory enables paperless compliance processes

Compliance is a vital – but very taxing – concern for financial institutions. Kick compliance hurdles to the curb with our fully digital KYC system for accountable institutions.

Compliance is a vital – but very taxing – concern for financial institutions. Kick compliance hurdles to the curb with our fully digital KYC system for accountable institutions.

Compliance, a reality faced by all financial institutions today, has long been approached with great trepidation, due to the time-consuming and costly processes it entails.

Not anymore.

Thanks to ground-breaking software by pbVerify and SigniFlow, two of PBSA’s digital arms, one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to the onboarding of new consumers – compliance with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, (FICA) and the processes it requires – is now easy, seamless and totally digital.

Introduced at the end of 2019, KYC Factory is a revolutionary new FICA product offering accountable institutions a fast and easy means of ticking all the compliance boxes when building customer-facing onboarding systems.

With KYC Factory, paperwork piles, painstakingly collecting mandatory documents and making your customers run around to get all their personal information papers together, are all a thing of the past. KYC Factory requires absolutely no supporting documents, irrespective of whether a business is onboarding a consumer or a business.

Compliance arsenal

Incorporating three comprehensive compliance components, KYCFactory is the only system accountable institutions need to meet the stringent legal requirements of FICA.

Digital KYC:

FICA requires all accountable institutions to comprehensively and conclusively verify the identity of clients. This is achieved via KYC – or know your customer – whereby a business verifies the identity of its clients and assesses the potential risks of illegal intentions, such as money laundering. Ultimately, it protects against institutions’ services being misused.

pbVerify and SigniFlow’s Digital KYC software delivers a compliant, automated and fully digitised KYC system that caters for both juristic and natural persons, in a manner that is aligned with any RMCP (Risk Management & Compliance Programme), and that can integrate with any rules engine, enterprise services bus (ESB) or workflow engine to trigger events.

KYC Factory can be triggered from any website or forms-based front-end, ESB, rules engine or workflow engine that can communicate via web services. Triggers are sent via the SigniFlow Event Handler to the KYCFactory platform, which then either follows a built-in configuration of events (“IF-THEN” rules for pass and fail events), or every event is communicated back to the origination platform via the SigniFlow Event Handler, enabling it to query its own rules and sequences in order to trigger further events individually, as  micro-components.

The KYC Factory software is delivered in two main process components, defined as Identity Kits (IDK), namely Business IDK and Consumer IDK.

Consumer verification also includes a slick new online 3D liveness test that biometrically matches the person to their national identity document photo, identity data, and alive-deceased data while retrieving their address from over 100 trustworthy SACRRA sources.

Finally, SigniFlow’s digital signature and workflow automation software enables institutions to workflow the KYC process, including all mandatory information, to multiple people who may need to sign a declaration in observance of law.

World Compliance:

Secondly, KYCFactory incorporates pbVerify’s new Sanctions, PEP and PIP (Politically Exposed and Influential Persons) reporting tool, which enables businesses to manually screen prospective clients and perform enhanced due diligence on anyone, from any country.

This service instantly reports on over 2.5 million detailed PEP profiles and detects individuals, organisations and vessels linked to more than 50 risk categories, including Sanctions, Foreign Officials, and State-Owned Enterprises.

The second part of our Sanctions screening service relates specifically to sanctions and embargoes – i.e. political trade restrictions put in place against target countries to maintain or restore international peace and security. KYCFactory automates reporting on business with individuals who pose a threat and are listed on OFAC (The Office of Foreign Assets Control) Mission.

Intelligent Digital Onboarding:

Our World-class digital Onboarding that is verified and free of errors.

Agreements and credit applications for credit require a considerable amount of information to be captured, which is not only time- and effort-consuming, but also prone to errors.

pbVerify Intelli-forms eradicate errors and increase process efficiencies by automatically populating forms from limited information entered.

For example, a new client needs only enteir their ID number and business registration number, and our form will do the rest.

That person’s identity information will be verified against the Government sourced data and the form will be automatically populated. The business registration number will be verified against CIPC and all company, director and auditor information will be automatically populated – in real-time, verified and free of errors.

KYCFactory is available via API & integrates seamlessly with business systems, according to individual KYC and compliance management methods and policies.

Go to our YouTube channel to witness this ground-breaking digital compliance software in action.

To find out more, give us a call on +27 (0)10 300 4898 or email [email protected].

pbVerify is a registered Credit Bureau in terms of section 43 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. Its data-systems, data-security and data-processing protocols are audited annually in accordance with the NCA. pbVerify follows strict ISO9001:2015 quality management processes that are audited and internationally certified by TUV Rheinland Germany. pbVerify engineers are certified in ISO27001 IT Security Management.

Source: SignFlow News

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