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Dalimfundo & PBSA honour little learners

As part of its Socio-Economic Development Programme, PBSA assists one of Mpumalanga’s NPO institutions prepare SA’s children for the future workforce.

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PBSA Compliance Manager Deon Joubert (left) and Dalimfundo Grade R Teacher Nokuthula Masango with some of the school’s young graduates.

As part of its Socio-Economic Development Programme, PBSA assists one of Mpumalanga’s NPO institutions prepare SA’s children for the future workforce.

“Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth who care for and protect our people.” – Nelson Mandela, June 1995.

As a company committed to ensuring the economic longevity of our business, to the benefit of our employees, our clients and our home country, South Africa, at large, PBSA believes it needs to proactively foster the development of the future workforce.

As such, our company is proud to be able to contribute to the success of Dalimfundo Day Care & Preschool, which honoured 2019’s young graduates on 23 November.

Situated in Botleng, a rural township outside Delmas in Mpumalanga, Dalimfundo is a non-profit organisation (NPO) that was founded by local leaders, with the aim of providing a future for the children in their community.

Dalimfundo not only fulfils the crucial role of providing quality education and training to the children of South Africa, it is ultimately responsible for helping lay the foundations of the country’s future.

As an NPO, the institution is wholly reliant on donations to carry out its good work. In a bid to do our part, PBSA contributes to the institution on a monthly basis, with donations going towards the school’s daily nutritional programme that ensures its learners have a healthy meal each school day.

It is a privilege for PBSA to be a small part of our children’s education, and we salute the founders and staff of Dalimfundo Day Care & Preschool for their ongoing commitment to our nation’s greatest asset – its children.

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