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Electronic Signatures

Introducing the most powerful consumer signing tool in the world

The SigniFlow team has come up with a sophisticated and secure – yet simple and easy to use – consumer signing tool, set to revolutionise the digital signature market in 2019.

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EasiSign eliminates complexity entirely. It is fast and very easy to use, on any device.

EasiSign digital signature system: When our clients – and their customers – speak, we listen. Carefully. So when a number of SigniFlow clients, who serve private customers from all walks of life, told us they needed an uncomplicated signing tool that could be used by anyone, anywhere and on any device – without security ever being jeopardised – we put our heads together and came up with what we have dubbed EasiSign.

Simple and unassuming by name, EasiSign is by no means that at the core. On the contrary, EasiSign is the most powerful consumer signing tool yet. Paradoxically, our latest consumer signing tool is something so intricate and sophisticated, something so watertight and secure on the inside, yet on the surface – for the end user – a simple, clean and uncluttered, easy-to-use interface.

Currently in Q4 2018, EasiSign is only available to customers with existing, or new, SigniFlow Hybrid Server licences. EasiSign is set to officially be launched into the SigniFlow technology stack during Q1 of 2019.

This revolutionary consumer signing tool will essentially replace the existing signing interface when SigniFlow Version 4 is launched during Q2 2019. Don’t get us wrong – the current interface in SigniFlow Version 3.3 is a great business process tool – but we have learnt that for private consumers, especially in the lower LSM groups, signing documents electronically can be overwhelming.

EasiSign eliminates complexity entirely. It is fast and very easy to use, on any device. Best of all – you can rest assured that security and authentication will never be compromised.

The A, B, C of EasiSign Digital Signature System

With EasiSign, the authentication configuration can be set by each customer, and on a document level.  Authentication methods include any one, or a combination of, any of the following options: full registration, ID number verification and input matching, SMS One Time Pin (OTP), USSD OTP, password and email verification.

EasiSign is mostly driven by API integration with document composition systems or enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) in the background producing the documents, and triggering the SigniFlow EasiSign workflow.

The new interface features a multi-document portfolio environment that simulates attachments to an email, and can group multiple documents together – which are then presented to the signer as a single document, for easy reading.

EasiSign also features a secured document upload portal, through which the sender (workflow creator) can request that the signer upload additional documents (such as proof of residence, identity documents, etc) when signing.

A great tool for carrying out FICA processes, EasiSign also has huge advantages in terms of the POPI Act, which calls for stringent private information protection.

EasiSign is included free of charge with any SigniFlow licence and, as always, there are no costs involved for the consumer, who can sign in EasiSign using their free SignFREE licence.

Existing Hybrid Server customers that wish to switch to EasiSign, can do so without any cost implications.

For more information on our awesome new consumer signing tool, please feel free to contact us via any of these channels:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 010 300 4898

Visit our website at

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