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SigniFlow joins NSW panel, appoints Ricoh Australia to assist

Published by iTWire on 6 December 2022

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Ricoh Australia

Digital signature and workflow specialist SigniFlow is now a preferred supplier of electronic signature services associated with document execution and digitalisation of agreements and transactions to certain NSW government agencies.

The arrangement lasts for three years, with two optional one-year extensions.

Alongside this appointment, SigniFlow has chosen Ricoh Australia as a specialist digital services provider for the adoption of SigniFlow solutions by NSW agencies.

“The partnership with Ricoh will further enable SigniFlow to successfully fulfil the requirements of the NSW Government by driving the adoption of electronic signatures for the execution of contract documents and facilitating seamless remote and digital transactions,” said SigniFlow APAC regional director David Saunders.

“As a SigniFlow partner, Ricoh has been recognised for its range of digital services that accelerate digital transformation and optimise business performance. We look forward to working with Ricoh to deliver industry-leading eSignature solutions to the NSW Government.”

Ricoh Australia northern region sales manager for digital automation and information technology services Robert Carter said “Ricoh Australia is excited to be appointed as SigniFlow’s preferred deployment provider for NSW Government.

“SigniFlow aligns with our market strategy across digital services to facilitate secure business and process flow. We recognise SigniFlow as a leader in eSignature solutions where significant outcome-based returns can be recognised for NSW government departments and agencies.”

The arrangement covers the Department of Customer Service, which includes the Office of the Secretary, Better Regulation, Corporate Services, Digital. NSW, Revenue NSW, Customer, Delivery & Transformation, Service NSW and State Insurance Regulatory Authority, among others.

Published on iTWire by Stephen Withers on December 6, 2022. See original post here: SigniFlow joins NSW panel, appoints Ricoh to assist

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