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SigniFlow lands on American shores

A new alliance between PBSA and a Brazilian-born IT enthusiast and security specialist has given rise to SigniFlow Americas.

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SigniFlow delivers enterprise-grade on-premise, private cloud and cloud solutions with a high level of integration.

SigniFlow lands on American shores: The technology giants we have all come to know so well – to mention just a few, Google, Apple and Microsoft – would be nothing today if it were not for the formidable partnerships they were founded on. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Paul Allen – all of these dynamic duos go to show that great things begin with great partnerships.

Which is why we are so excited to announce the recent alliance that has given rise to SigniFlow Americas, between PBSA and US-based Laila Robak, former Director of Partnerships at Digicert and Vice President of Latin America GlobalSign.

It is now official: South African-born digital signature and workflow solution, SigniFlow, has landed on American shores, to provide the Americas with an innovative, highly efficient and socially responsible product for business process automation.

A woman-owned small business based in New Hampshire in the United States, SigniFlow Americas is a member of the New Hampshire Tech Alliance – an affiliation committed to nurturing a vibrant technology ecosystem by building partnerships, enhancing knowledge, and shaping public policy.

The woman behind this exciting new digital signature solution is Laila Robak, a Brazil-born entrepreneur with a passion for information technology and the power it has to transform and improve lives.

“We are very excited about the launch of SigniFlow Americas, and with Laila at the helm, this business is destined for greatness. We are proud to welcome all our Americas customers and partners to the global SigniFlow family,” says Leon van der Merwe, Director of digital technologies – SigniFlow headquarters in Kyalami, Johannesburg.

Setting it apart from other solutions present in the market today, SigniFlow delivers enterprise-grade on-premise, private cloud and cloud solutions with a high level of integration, allowing companies to customise the solution to suit both their specific needs and their budgets. The leading-edge solution provides legally valid digital signatures (cryptographic e-signing) and accepts digital certificates from almost any e-identity provider, publicly trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) and privately signed Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs).

Often bound by endless red tape, many processes in the Americas remain onerous and complex – particularly when it comes to contracts or documents that require approval and/or signatures. SigniFlow takes these processes, which can take anything from days to weeks to finalise, and transforms them into seamless digital processes that reach completion in just minutes.

Speaking of the power SigniFlow puts in business owners’ hands, Robak says, “SigniFlow is a solution that can revolutionise business processes. It has various APIs that give us flexibility to create and integrate with existing systems and platforms, allowing organisations to choose from a range of options, from cloud to local deployments and hosted environments, and to use a mix of digital and electronic signatures – all while guaranteeing the legal validity of documents.”

In addition to this, SigniFlow fulfils the social responsibility role that so many organisations today strive to fill, to the end of doing their bit for the environment – and society at large.

“The launch of SigniFlow Americas not only centres around innovation in the tech space to help companies become more effective, it also goes around environmental awareness. So it’s a win-win situation. We have the opportunity to make business people’s lives better and contribute to the ecosystem at the same time. Signiflow’s solution goes above and beyond,” says Robak.

Go paperless…Go green

According to environmental facts and live statistics website The World Counts, 50% of business waste composed of paper.

And here are some related – and scary – facts:

  1. More than two pieces of paper are used per person on Earth every single hour. It is expected demand for paper will have doubled by 2030, from 2005.
  2. The average person in the USA, Japan, and Europe uses between 250 and 300 kilograms of paper every year. In India this figure is five kilograms, and in some countries it is less than one. If everyone on Earth used 200 kilograms of paper, there would be no trees left.
  3. It takes 10 litres of water to produce a single A4 sheet of paper. The pulp and paper industry is the single largest industrial consumer of water in Western countries.
  4. Producing one kilogram of paper requires two to three times its weight in trees. Paper can be recycled, yet 55% of the global paper supply comes from newly cut trees.
  5. Each ton of recycled paper can avoid the use of 17 trees; 1 440 litres of oil; 2.3 cubic meters of landfill space; 4 000 kilowatts of energy and 26 500 litres of water.

SigniFlow not only brings to the Americas the opportunity to expand horizons by automating internal and external business processes, it also assists companies in going green by helping them cut down on resources, costs and by-products of paper-intensive processes – including ink, printers and mailing procedures – ultimately increasing overall environmental awareness, decreasing carbon footprint and bettering companies’ return on investment.

The power it has to transform business and the world it runs in, says Robak, is what makes SigniFlow the most powerful business process automation tool on the market. Coupled with a formidable partnership, the sky is the limit.

“A strong business partnership can be summarised in two words: trust and collaboration. Trust speaks for itself and that is what I have with the amazing team at PBSA. Collaboration means aligning ideals, understanding and supporting each other’s growth and walking towards the same goal – in this case, improving people’s lives through technology and contributing to the environment,” concludes Robak.

To find out more about how we can assist you in your digitisation journey, click HERE.

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