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Electronic Signatures

Why CSPs and MSPs should partner with SigniFlow

Why CSPs and MSPs should partner with SigniFlow

CSPs and MSPs should partner with Signiflow because as a CSP or MSP, it is essential to ensure that you have an extensive service portfolio. Allowing your business to provide consumers with the best possible services and tools. On top of that, it is vital that all your service providers are reliable and secure.

With all that in mind, it can become challenging to decide which service provider is the best fit for you, especially with countless options available at your fingertips. That is why doing research and having a clear understanding of the options available is a sure way to a successful partnership.

So, why should CSPs and MSPs partner with SigniFlow? Let’s take a look:

1. Revenue growth 

As a CSP or MSP, having a constant stream of increased revenue is essential. By partnering with SigniFlow, your company will be able to access new streams of revenue and build on them to increase them — constantly.

Here are a few ways in which you can ensure continuous growth in revenue:

  • Create a package deal where you assist with setup and configuration.
  • Offer a monthly subscription option.
  • Offer one-on-one training sessions.
  • Ask for a small fee for customer support.

2. Compliance and security

When it comes to digital and electronic signature security, compliance, and reassurance that your client’s sensitive information is safe, it is extremely important. If you offer a CSP or MSP service, you are reliable for the protection of important information and ensuring that if a person signs a document, it is actually that person signing it.

By partnering with SigniFlow, you can rest assured that all electronic and digital signatures are secure, compliant, and legally binding. SigniFlow offers state-of-the-art authentication methods, audit trails, and compliance to ensure that documents are tamperproof. Making your offerings reliable and safe for all consumers to use.

3. Industry adaptability

As a CSP or MSP service, it is no secret that you have to cater to and assist countless companies in any industry. Partnering with SigniFlow will assist you in catering to diverse industries ranging from banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, and legal all the way to the public sector. 

SigniFlow provides you with opportunities to target specific requirements that consumers in the respective industries may have or challenges that they might face. This allows you to reach new audiences and grow your company’s market potential.

4. Customer Retention

With countless brands and companies out there, it can become easy to lose clients if you are not always on the ball and providing them with the best possible solutions on the market. By partnering with SigniFlow, you will not only provide an invaluable subscription-based solution that will address crucial challenges that consumers might face, but you will also provide them with a solution that is trustworthy and reliable.

By offering a service that is user-friendly, reliable, and adds an immense amount of value to your consumers, you will provide them with higher customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to brand loyalty and retention.

5. Enhanced offering

By partnering with SigniFlow, you will be able to provide your clients with a robust and secure way to sign documents digitally. Taking out the tedious task that requires a consumer to print out a document, sign it, and scan it back into their PC.

On top of that, you will provide the consumer with a secure and strong offering that protects their sensitive information at all times. By offering a complete system that handles the entire process and keeps everything safe, you become a trusted brand that will allow you to stand out from the competition— in the best way possible.

Here are five reasons why partnering with SigniFlow can enhance your value proposition:

1. Workflow Integration:

SigniFlow easily works with commonly used technologies like collaboration platforms, productivity suites, and customer relationship management systems. This means your clients can add digital signatures directly into the workflows that they are already used to, without having to do things manually. This saves time and reduces the amount of administrative work needed. By making document signing smoother within their existing system, you provide a more efficient and integrated solution.

2. Familiarity

Countless businesses rely a lot on well-known and used technologies for their day-to-day operations. SigniFlow’s digital signature solution can be integrated with these popular tools. This is helpful because people already know how to use these tools and are comfortable with them. It makes it easier for them to start using digital signatures without needing a lot of training or changing their entire system.

3. Productivity

By incorporating SigniFlow into the technologies they already use, your clients can speed up the process of signing documents, which helps them save a lot of time. Instead of going through the traditional steps of printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents, they can easily sign and handle documents electronically right within their applications.

4. Security:

SigniFlow puts a strong emphasis on security and following strict rules and guidelines. By providing a complete digital signature solution that works well with top technologies, you can guarantee your clients that their sensitive information remains protected. SigniFlow uses advanced methods like encryption, digital certificates, and audit trails to make sure that digitally signed documents are genuine, secure, and meet legal requirements.

5. Seamless collaboration:

Collaboration is essential for the success of any business, and by integrating SigniFlow with widely used technologies, the collaboration will be smooth and easy. It allows multiple people, no matter where they are located, to sign and review documents at the same time. No time-zone difference can come between your productivity and SigniFlow.

Ready to partner with us? Then be sure to get in contact here.


SigniFlow’s CSP and MSP brochure

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