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Working from home? Sign from home – SigniFlow fully digitises the home office

SigniFlow digitises the home office, just as it does the traditional office.

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Think of SigniFlow software as a work-from-home smartphone; one solution replaces your printer and scanner, courier services, face-to-face meetings and legal procedures.

SigniFlow digitises the home office: At a time when it seems things are spinning out of control, you don’t have to lose control of your business. SigniFlow software offers a fully digital, remote business continuity solution.

Business and its workforce has changed – suddenly and earth-shatteringly, across the globe.

The COVID-19 virus has forced countless individuals – from executive level, down to entry-level employees – to work from home, a major change in environment that in many cases accompanies unforeseen and unprecedented difficulties.

Doing everyday things that were previously basic, autopilot office tasks, such as signing purchase orders or sales contracts, or internal processes like leave approvals or capex requests, has become impossible under social distancing restrictions.

But working from home does not need to be difficult – at all; you do not need to lose control of your business. SigniFlow offers a failsafe solution for any work-from-home scenario that is simple, fast and sure.

We have seen first-hand how our customers, simply by using the same software they have been using for years, have seamlessly adapted to what was practically an overnight shift from office to home. Whether something straightforward, like leave approvals or claim forms – or higher-level procedures involving legally binding contracts and non-disclosure agreements, SigniFlow users have effortlessly transitioned and, in spite of the disaster that has gripped the globe, are enjoying business as usual.

Internationally compliant and legally accepted, SigniFlow is digital signature workflow software that fully digitises – and enhances – any process that requires a document to be signed or approved. It is process automation software that fits into your environment and works the way you need it to work.

Indeed, SigniFlow digitises the home office, just as it does the traditional office.

If you have a laptop and internet connectivity at home, SigniFlow can enable your fully digital work-from-home office, literally in minutes. Our software will allow you to send documents for signing, receive and sign documents, and keep an audit trail of every single step of every business process and communication carried out – all 100% remote processes, with no human interaction necessary at any point.

Think of SigniFlow software as a work-from-home smartphone; one solution replaces your printer and scanner, courier services, face-to-face meetings and legal procedures. Whether you run an property agency, are a financial services provider, offer secretarial, tax or admin services – or even in the medical industry, where digital scripts and procedure sign-offs are now a necessity, our suite of digital enablers makes it possible for you to continue operations without anxiety or interruption.

Inevitably, COVID-19 has struck fear into people worldwide and left businesspeople reeling, unsure of how to sufficiently continue daily operations, but it needn’t give you sleepless nights. You do not need to lose time or money, or neglect your business. If you are forced to work from home, sign from home with SigniFlow.

To get more information on how we can enable your work-from-home office with remote signing and contactless business processes, contact us via our website or email [email protected].

Work from home, sign from home with SigniFlow. Fast, simple and secure.

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