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Electronic Signatures

Xerox Emirates Partners With SigniFlow To Deliver Digital Signature Solutions to UAE Customers

Xerox Emirates has partnered with SigniFlow to bring digital signature solutions to UAE customers.

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Xerox Emirates Partners With SigniFlow

Xerox Emirates Partners With SigniFlow

SigniFlow has partnered with Xerox Emirates, the leading provider of digital solutions and next generation print capabilities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The partnership will see SigniFlow’s digital signature software incorporated into Xerox Emirates’ range of bespoke, secure and accessible business enablers. SigniFlow’s software ensures total compliance with global & UAE local Digital Signature laws,

Additionally, SigniFlow integrates with UAE PASS, International digital authorisation and other trusted business applications. This integration is a key differentiation for the UAE, as these integrations are unique to SigniFlow.

This comes as the UAE moves towards the use of digital tools to apply signatures and approvals to sensitive documents.

SigniFlow’s virtual document certificates are also fully secure, thanks to the use of cryptographic algorithms and tamper-evident tech.

Simon Howells, General Manager of Xerox Emirates, says UAE businesses are embracing digital technologies that focus on security and privacy. “SigniFlow’s virtual signature technology connects off-site staff with the office via a safe and trusted digital platform.”

SigniFlow Group CIO, Leon van der Merwe, says the company is honoured to welcome Xerox Emirates.

“We also we share the common goal of improving lives thr”ough digital innovation.”  

Read more about this exciting new partnership – Xerox Emirates Partners With SigniFlow – here:

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