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SigniFlow January Newsletter


Greetings, and welcome back to the hustle and bustle. At SigniFlow, we’re buzzing with anticipation as we dive head first into various thrilling endeavours. 

As the calendar flips its pages, prepare to embark on an exciting journey with us, filled with innovative developments and groundbreaking experiences. 

There’s a lot in store, and we can’t wait to share the excitement with you.  So, join us as we unveil a cascade of promising ventures that will make this year truly extraordinary.

We want to remind you of the fantastic benefits you receive by being subscribed to our newsletter:

1. Stay informed: You will continue staying updated on the latest news, trends, and developments in the world of digital signatures, document management, and workflow automation.

2. Learn best practices: We continuously offer tips, tricks, and best practices for using digital signatures and other related technologies.

3. Be the first to know: Our newsletter announces new product releases, updates, and promotions. As a subscriber, you will be among the first to learn about these exciting developments.

4. No spam: SigniFlow respects your privacy and won’t bombard you with unwanted emails. The newsletter is sent out periodically and only contains relevant and valuable content. If you think a colleague or friend can benefit from our newsletter, please encourage them to sign up.

Work smarter, not harder 

Let’s make 2024 the year of productivity and efficiency. Prioritise, digitise, and automate your document workflows with SigniFlow.  Achieve more in less time, while also contributing towards reducing your carbon footprint.

Digital Signing Service  – Signing Ceremony API

Our Signing Ceremony API Version 2 empowers you to harness the potential of electronic signatures. We have prepared a detailed tutorial that will walk you through all the critical features of our digital signing service, ensuring that the signing process is seamless and effortless. To get started with this API, you can check out the OpenAPI documentation and the quick-start video available on our Developer Portal.

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