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Electronic Signatures

Tipping the licensing scales: Introducing flexible eSignature license models

Today’s new problems need new solutions: The per-document, per-transaction, or per-envelope licensing model is no longer viable.

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Business People

Albert Einstein famously said that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. For businesses to survive amid today’s crowded competitive landscape, magnified IT requirements, and higher customer expectations, they need new thinking.

And it is this status quo – a complex IT landscape coupled with immense pressure on businesses to reduce IT costs and improve revenue – that has prompted us to challenge how eSignature licensing has traditionally worked.

We believe that price point should never stand in the way of businesses – and their people –achieving their goals and reaching fulfilment.

Introducing SigniFlow’s alternative eSignature licensing model: Flexible plans designed to help businesses – regardless of size – improve efficiencies and manage costs, as they continue to scale.

Alternative eSignature licenses: A plan for every purpose

Traditional eSignature license models – such as per-user, envelope, or document – either integrated or stand-alone for a fixed term, are widely understood and used.

However, with technology advances and growing usage, these traditional license models do not fully satisfy the challenges companies face today, such as balancing productivity and efficiency, estimating software needs, and handling ad-hoc IT requirements late in a fiscal year (in most cases, not accounted for in budgetary forecasts). 

Our alternative eSignature licensing model aims to cover all the business bases, providing unrivalled security and deployment options:

SigniFlow Business Cloud

An entry level package for SMEs with no integration required, our Business Cloud license involves a per-user or per-document cost per annum, with monthly options available.

You would benefit from Business Cloud license if:
* You require a simple means of signing and sending documents, but still want all of the advanced features of SigniFlow, such as electronic and digital signature options, and document uploading; or
* You are looking for a cost-effective license that can cover all the needs of a small- to medium-sized business, or an individual.

Further benefits
Available in any of our nine global data centres.
* Includes a free Microsoft Office 365 plug-in (Word, Excel, Outlook).
* Offers per-user, per-transaction (document or envelope), and API account options.

SigniFlow-Hosted Private Tenant

A mid-level package for organisations with higher security concerns and a requirement for integration, our Hosted Private Tenant license involves a per-user or per-document cost per annum, with monthly options available.

You would benefit from a Hosted Private Tenant license if your business:
* Needs to scale operations according to demand.
* Has greater requirements due to size and complexity.
* Requires flexible eSignature deployment to improve efficiency as the business continues to scale.

Further benefits:
* Take advantage of the SigniFlow Cloud environment and customise server, network and storage performance to ensure high availability. 

* Because private tenants are dedicated to a single organisation, resources, data storage, and network can be designed to assure high levels of security that other clients in the same data centre cannot access.

Self-hosted (On-premise) Private Tenant

This is the most secure level of license, which puts customers and partners in full control of their data. The Self-hosted or On-premise Private Tenant license includes unlimited documents and storage, and is not based on a per-user or per-document model.

You would benefit from a Self-hosted Private Tenant license if your business:
* Is a medium to large enterprise.
* Has high-security requirements, integration requirements and high data residency demands.
* Sends, signs, and handles large volumes of documents.
* Has fluctuating document signing and storage needs.

Further benefits
* Private tenant solution supports on-premise or self-hosted environments.
* Customisable customer branding and “white-lable” options.
* Includes a free Microsoft Office 365 plug-in (Word, Excel, Outlook) and connectors for Microsoft SharePoint and Active Directory.
* Enterprise-grade workflow automation API.
* Eradicate the steep increase in costs due to user adoption of e-signature workflow across the enterprise.
* Unrivalled security and deployment options. 
* The unlimited enterprise license offers large enterprises and governments the flexibility to extend the solution across the enterprise at a flat-rate annual subscription.

Licensing itemisation: SigniFlow-hosted & Self-hosted (on-premise) Private Tenant

Gartner recognition

Our alternative licensing model was built to open options for businesses bound by a status quo that requires rigorous security and compliance levels, at a time of unprecedented economic pressure and volatility.

In July 2022, SigniFlow was listed as a representative vendor for Gartner, which further recognised SigniFlow in its analyst report for its unique approach to self-hosted solutions and alternative licensing schemes.

SigniFlow continues to disrupt the market with alternative license options designed for enterprises with aggressive digitisation and automation strategies.


1. SigniFlow Media – Unlimited electronic signature license for the enterprise

2. SigniFlow – Alternative Licensing Options

3. SigniFlow – SigniFlow Pricing Plans

4. SigniFlow Media – Digitisation: How to avoid the pitfalls of hidden costs

5. SigniFlow Webinars – Alternative licensing vs traditional e-sign & workflow software licensing models

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