Cryptography as a Service

Cryptography as a service (CaaS) allows you to use the power of SigniFlow within your own application

Enjoy SigniFlow's Signing Ceremony and Certifying Ceremony, as well as our OTP Signing Service, within your own environment

You're in control

Confidence in Yourself.

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What is Cryptography as a Service?

With SigniFlow CaaS, we take care of the key material management and lifecycle, and provide you with standard APIs for working with your key material, including PKCS11, CNG and Open API RESTful services.

You maintain complete control over the creation, management, and use of your cryptographic keys – without the need for your own on-premise experts or hardware security modules (HSMs).

Our cryptographic experts maintain and operate the service from secure, certified facilities, allowing you to use certified, high-performance HSMs.

Cryptography as a Service solutions include:

  • Signing Ceremony
  • Certifying Ceremony
  • OTP Signing Service
  • Encryption & Decryption
  • Signing & Verification

Signing Ceremony

Signing Ceremony can be used when you do not have a library capable of performing PKCS7 signature creation. The RESTful API service can be used to upload the document, and an image of the person's signature to SigniFlow. It will then be signed and cryptographically sealed using a LTV (Long Term Validation) timestamped digital signature, and then the document will be returned back to the originating system.

eSign demo - SigniFlow

Certifying Ceremony

Certifying Ceremony can be used when you do not have a library capable of performing PKCS7 signature creation. The RESTful API can be used to upload the document. We will then certify the document as “originating” from the client, with an LTV timestamped signature, and return the document back to the originating system.

eSign QES - SigniFlow

OTP Signing Service

This can be used when you have an application that captures a signature and requires a trusted certificate backed by third-party authentication. An API call is made to SigniFlow to send an OTP (one-time pin) to a mobile number, after which the OTP is captured on your application and sent to SigniFlow, along with hash of the document to be signed. SigniFlow returns the signature, certificate list, and the timestamped session.

eSign demo - SigniFlow
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