
Advanced eSignature document workflow solutions for Healthcare

When people think about health care, they think primarily about doctors and nurses. Medical administration serves in the background, but is in many ways the heartbeat of the Healthcare industry.

SigniFlow for Healthcare eases the load for medical administrators

Confidence in Convenience.

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Join over 100,000 happy customers

  • Free digital signature
  • Three free outbound workflows
  • Unlimited inbound workflows
  • 50 Document cloud storage
  • Office 365 Plug-ins


Healthcare Administration

SigniFlow is here to help with systems that automate and digitise medical administration.

Healthcare is one of the most complex and evolving industries. Yet, in most parts of the world it is still fully reliant on paper.

Administering prescriptions, patient records and medical insurance manually is an enormous task.

Patients are more remote than ever before, and the need for systems to be fully digital is acute.

It's never been easier to lighten the load for medical administration

A tool that brings it all together, and lifts the load

Medical workers everywhere have spoken and we've listened. We get you. Keeping track of your electronic doucments is super important. Getting documents approved and signed in as little time as possible, is a game changer.

SigniFlow was built to automate and digitise electronic document systems. SigniFlow Connect seamlessly integrates with healthcare systems, digitising the last mile.

You need more than just eSign workflow, you need a tool that understands healthcare.

Increased eSign Efficiency

SigniFlow - eSign in Health Care

Get documents eSigned quickly and remotely

SigniFlow makes it easy for healthcare administrators to send contracts to customers for eSignature. Standard with trackable workflows, automated reminders, automated filing and detailed audit logs.

eSign Doctors' Scripts

SigniFlow - eSign Doctor prescriptions in Health Care

Legally compliant scripts

SigniFlow offers Advanced eSignatures for doctors to electronically sign prescriptions. Digitise and automate doctors' prescriptions with SigniFlow Connect for healthcare.

Thank you

SigniFlow - Health Care - Thank you

We would like to thank all medical workers and first responders.

You are a true inspiration to us all.

Across the enterprise

Discover how SigniFlow connects enterprise teams

Try SigniFlow Free

Join over 100,000 happy customers

  • Free digital signature
  • Three free outbound workflows
  • Unlimited inbound workflows
  • 50 Document cloud storage
  • Office 365 Plug-ins

We believe in a digital future that sustains life on earth

In the Spotlight

The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) is a statutory body that provides regulatory supervision of private health financing through medical schemes.

The administration associated with accreditation, financial supervision and compliance of around 100 medical schemes and its millions of members, is an immense task.

CMS needed to automate their paper-based document delivery processes, which previously required painstakingly slow and difficult-to-track postal, courier and email services between stakeholders.

A story of success

For compliance, SigniFlow was deployed on-premise and integrated with the Council's active directory and document management system, M-Files. CMS now boasts a fully digital document delivery system that takes a few hours to achieve what previously took weeks.
Council of Medical Schemes
Find out why these great companies are all digitising their processes with SigniFlow

Absa Group Limited is listed on the JSE and is one of Africa’s largest diversified financial services groups, with a presence in 12 countries across the African continent, as well as offices in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Learn why ABSA decided on SigniFlow as their primary solution for process  digitisation, document and workflow approvals, and contract signing

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Know Your Customer

SigniFlow offers basic authentication, two-factor authentication, Digital Identity as well as digital KYC and AML (Anti Money Laundering).

We build and design electronic onboarding systems to help you comply with regulations.

We've gone the extra mile to ensure our Advanced eSignatures are legally binding and compliant with eSign and Privacy legislation.

SigniFlow - Know Your Customer Identity Solutions

24/7 Online support

We understand your office hours. SigniFlow offers 24/7 online support to all customers.

No matter where you are and no matter what time it is, we are always online to help you meet your deadlines.

SigniFlow 24/7 Support