MSP and CSP partner programme

Partnering with SigniFlow unlocks numerous benefits and brings never seen before opportunities to MSP’s and CSP’s doorstep. You differentiate your business, unlock new revenue streams, and become an expert in digital transformation.

MSP and CSP partner programme

Confidence in Productivity.

Why Partner with SigniFlow?

Expanded Service portfolio

By partnering with SigniFlow, you can expand your service portfolio and offer your clients a comprehensive digital signature solution that seamlessly integrates with their existing systems and workflows.

Here are the key benefits of partnering with SigniFlow

Partnering with SigniFlow enables you to enhance your offering, meet client needs, and boost revenue through a complete digital signature solution. Together, we empower businesses to embrace digital transformation and achieve greater efficiency and success.

Here's how partnering with SigniFlow can enhance your value proposition

Workflow Integration

SigniFlow seamlessly integrates with popular technologies, such as collaboration platforms, productivity suites, and customer relationship management systems. This integration allows your clients to incorporate digital signatures directly into their familiar workflows, eliminating the need for manual processes and reducing administrative overhead. By streamlining document signing within their existing ecosystem, you offer a more efficient and integrated solution.

Familiarity and User Adoption

Many businesses rely heavily on widely used technologies for their daily operations. By integrating SigniFlow's digital signature solution with popular tools, you leverage the familiarity of the interface and workflows. This familiarity increases user adoption rates, as clients can quickly and easily incorporate digital signatures into their routine tasks without the need for extensive training or system migration.

Productivity and Time Saving

Collaborative environments are essential for businesses today. SigniFlow's integration with popular technologies enables seamless collaboration by allowing multiple stakeholders to sign and review documents simultaneously, regardless of their geographical location.

Security and Compliance

SigniFlow prioritises security and compliance, adhering to robust security frameworks. By offering a comprehensive digital signature solution integrated with leading technologies, you assure your clients that their sensitive information remains protected. SigniFlow employs advanced encryption, digital certificate technology, and audit trails to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and legal compliance of digitally signed documents.

Seamless Collaboration

With SigniFlow integrated into their preferred technologies, your clients can accelerate document signing processes, resulting in saving a significant amount of time. Instead of printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents, they can seamlessly sign and manage documents electronically within their applications.

Scalability and Growth

The integrated solution can cater to clients across various industries and scalability needs. By offering a comprehensive digital signature solution integrated with industry-leading technologies, you position yourself to serve organisations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Market Differentiation

The partnership with SigniFlow empowers you to stand out from competitors by offering advanced features, unmatched security, and robust compliance capabilities. Here's how partnering with SigniFlow provides a unique advantage in the market

MSP and CSP partner programme

Spend Recognition: As an MSP partner, selling SigniFlow allows you to gain recognition for the Cloud real estate you create for your customers. By integrating SigniFlow with tech giants, you not only deliver a powerful digital signature solution but also contribute to increasing spend within your customers' Cloud environments..

Competitive Advantage: By offering SigniFlow as your digital signature solution, you differentiate yourself from competitors who may not have the same level of integration with popular software. 

Deeper Customer Engagement: Selling SigniFlow as part of your Cloud real estate strategy allows you to engage with customers on a deeper level. By demonstrating how SigniFlow enhances their existing Cloud environment, you become a trusted advisor and strategic partner.

Collaboration and Support: As a SigniFlow partner selling within the popular ecosystem, you can tap into the collaboration and support offered by both SigniFlow and a Cloud Service Provider. This includes joint marketing initiatives, co-selling opportunities, technical support, and access to partner communities. 

What sets SigniFlow apart from competitors


Enterprise Licensing 
SigniFlow offers Enterprise licenses, which are scalable and offers customers a more cost-effective license when comparing it to any other traditional e-signature license scheme. Billing options include “flat rate” monthly or annual subscriptions that range from smaller cloud deployments to large unlimited enterprise licenses. These license schemes align with Gartner’s Strategic Cost Optimisation Framework.

MSP and CSP partner programme

Strong Security Measures
Security is a top concern when it comes to digital document signing. SigniFlow addresses this concern by employing advanced security measures. It utilises encryption technologies, digital certificates, and tamper-evident seals to ensure the integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of digitally signed documents.

Compliance Capabilities
SigniFlow is designed to comply with various industry regulations and standards, such as eIDAS, GDPR, HIPAA, and more. By partnering with SigniFlow, you offer clients a solution that helps them meet their compliance requirements effortlessly. This compliance advantage gives you an edge over competitors who may not provide the same level of compliance capabilities.

Customer Support and Expertise
Partnering with SigniFlow grants you access to a dedicated team of experts who provide comprehensive support and guidance 24/7. From initial onboarding to ongoing assistance, you can rely on SigniFlow's expertise to address client queries, resolve issues, and provide training resources.

User-Friendly Interface
SigniFlow's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for clients to navigate and complete document signing tasks. The simplicity and user-centric approach enhance user adoption rates and reduce the learning curve, positioning your solution as a preferred choice for clients seeking a seamless and hassle-free signing experience.

By emphasising SigniFlow's advanced features, top-notch security, compliance capabilities, seamless integration, user-friendly interface, and dedicated support, you position yourself as a provider with a unique advantage in the market. Clients recognise the value of an advanced, secure, and compliant digital signature solution, and by partnering with SigniFlow, you deliver exactly that.

New Revenue Streams

Partnering with SigniFlow unlocks several revenue streams for MSP Partners. By offering a comprehensive digital signature solution, you can capitalise on the following revenue opportunities:

Setup and Configuration Fees: As a SigniFlow partner, you can charge setup and configuration fees for implementing the solution for clients, customising it to their needs, integrating with existing systems, and providing training. These fees offer a lucrative revenue stream based on implementation complexity and scale.

Ongoing Subscription-Based Pricing: SigniFlow's subscription-based model generates recurring revenue for partners. Create client subscription plans based on user count, document volume, and desired features/integrations. This ensures a predictable revenue stream while keeping clients up to date with updates and support.

Customisation and Consulting Services: Offer additional customisation and consulting services to meet clients' specific needs and generate extra revenue. Tailored workflows, application integration, and compliance configurations are examples of services that enhance the solution.

Training and Support Offerings: Maximise SigniFlow's impact and your revenue by offering training and support services to clients. Ensure their full utilisation of the solution through paid training sessions, workshops, and ongoing support, positioning yourself as a trusted advisor.

Value-Added Services: Diversify and enhance your offerings with value-added services like document management, workflow automation, and integration with other applications. By bundling these services, you can increase your value proposition to clients and generate extra revenue.

Renewals and Upselling: SigniFlow's subscription model offers renewal and upselling opportunities. Renew client subscriptions for recurring revenue and upsell additional features, integrations, or consulting services as their needs grow, maximising your revenue potential.

Client Testimonial

"Partnering with SigniFlow has been a game-changer for our organization. We were struggling with outdated and inefficient paper-based document-signing processes that hindered productivity and delayed business transactions. With SigniFlow's digital signature solution, we have transformed our document workflows, streamlining operations and achieving a higher level of security and compliance.

The implementation process was seamless, thanks to the expertise and support provided by our trusted partner. They customized SigniFlow to align with our unique business needs, integrating it with our existing technologies. The setup and configuration fees were well worth the investment as we experienced immediate improvements in efficiency and cost savings.

Since adopting SigniFlow, we have significantly reduced document turnaround times. What used to take days or weeks to finalize now takes mere minutes. Our clients appreciate the speed and convenience of digitally signing documents, and it has enhanced our overall customer experience.

Moreover, SigniFlow's advanced security features have provided us with peace of mind. The encryption, digital certificates, and tamper-evident seals ensure the integrity and authenticity of our signed documents, mitigating the risk of fraud or disputes. We have also seamlessly aligned with regulatory compliance requirements, such as GDPR and industry-specific regulations, thanks to SigniFlow's robust compliance capabilities.

The ongoing subscription-based pricing model has been cost-effective and flexible for our organization. We appreciate having access to regular updates, new features, and prompt customer support. Our trusted partner has been instrumental in providing training and support, ensuring our team fully leverages the capabilities of SigniFlow.

Overall, partnering with SigniFlow has not only improved our document workflows but has also empowered us to stay ahead of the competition. We are proud to offer a secure and efficient digital signature solution to our clients, which sets us apart in the market. Our partnership with SigniFlow has been a strategic decision that has positively impacted our business."

Herman Kriel
Director / Chief Operations Officer
SecureKey Group


SecureKey Group

What is a CSP?

(Cloud Service Provider)

A cloud service provider (CSP) is responsible for delivering cloud computing resources over the internet, making them available on demand from remote servers. By utilising managed cloud services, organisations can reduce expenses, improve security measures, and mitigate the risk of data loss. Partnering with a managed cloud service provider also guarantees automatic upgrades to network infrastructure.


What is an MSP?

(Managed Service Provider)

A managed service provider (MSP) provides network, application, infrastructure, and security services to customers through continuous support, regular maintenance, and active management. These services can be delivered at the customer's location, in the MSP's data centre, or in a third-party data centre. Overall an MSP is responsible for overseeing and controlling an organisation's IT infrastructure.