
 Put a face to the name
 Put a face to the name

FaceSign is an entirely new form of eSignature that is as simple as taking a selfie, literally. It improves the security of your documents and gives you peace of mind, without compromising the ease of use you've come to know.
Using anti-spoofing technology, FaceSign reduces fraud significantly.


Confidence in Security


What is FaceSign?

An eSignature that is simply better.

FaceSign was created out of the need for certainty around signers’ identities.

We know that, when it comes to getting your important documents signed remotely, you need to have total confidence that the person behind the electronic signature is the person they claim to be. Without the face-to-face interaction that was once commonplace in business transactions, surety is a challenge.

FaceSign puts a face to the name, enabling you to know beyond any shadow of doubt that the signer is legitimate, even if they are never physically present at the time of signing.

With FaceSign, the signer will be required to either take a selfie of themselves at the point of signing (FaceSign Selfie), or they will need to perform a quick liveness check (FaceSign Liveness), which will verify that they are present, human, and living.

No photo, model or deepfake can trick the system.


Anti-spoofing technology

FaceSign Liveness gives assurance that the signer is physically present, and not a mask, photo or deepfake trying to spoof the system. Because Liveness Detection AI must observe so many concurrent human traits, fake artifacts are unable to recreate them all at once.

Boasting a failure acceptance rate of one in 12.8 million, FaceSign eSignatures are over twelve times more secure than other leading facial recognition products.


FaceSign Selfie (free version)

This basic version of FaceSign is free to all SigniFlow licensed users. With FaceSign Selfie, the system will prompt your signer to capture an image of themselves (a ‘selfie’) at the point of signing. The photo is then embedded in their electronic or digital signature on the signed PDF. This is the most basic and non-intrusive way to add extra security to your document signing process.

FaceSign Liveness

This more advanced version of FaceSign includes a liveness check at the point of signing. The check is a simple 15-second process, which adds infinitely more security and non-repudiation to signed documents.

Apple, Google, and Intel understand the need for a more secure form of authentication, and so their 3D Face Matching systems use 3D infrared cameras, but that, of course, requires each device to include special hardware. In contrast, FaceSign Liveness securely performs 3D verification from virtually any device with a 2D camera.

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