What is a digital signature?
A digital signature, also referred to as an Advanced Electronic Signature (AES or AESign) or a Qualified Electronic Signature (eIDAS, EU), is a type of electronic signature that is backed by a digital certificate (x.509) that complies with the strictest eSign legal regulations.
A digital signature uses cryptographic methods to ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents.
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How digital signatures work
A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message or an electronic document.
A digital signature is based on public-key cryptography, using a public key algorithm to generate two keys - one public, and one private.
In most countries, a digital signature is the equivalent of a handwritten signature, as it offers more inherent security than a simple electronic signature. A digital signature cryptographically seals the message (or document), making it tamper-evident.
A digital signature provides evidence of identity, which can be digitally verified using trust indicators that are built into the signatures and embedded into the document.
What is SigniFlow's approach to digital signatures?
SigniFlow's approach to digital signatures means we are able to offer more flexibility and control over the type of signatures used compared to that offered by most eSign competitor platforms.
With SigniFlow, you have the option to request signers to sign with an electronic or digital signature, enforce a personal digital certificate, or a combination thereof. This allows you to build workflows that suit the legal requirements of your business or a specific document. SigniFlow supports various secure signature creation devices, including USB tokens, smart cards, and cloud-based x.509 digital certificates.
SigniFlow is "certificate-agnostic", meaning you can use almost any certificate authority (CA) or timestamp authority (TSA), with support for many CAs and trusted authorities through the European Union Trusted List (EUTL) and globally through the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL).
Digital signatures are a core offering of SigniFlow. We also offer cryptography as a service (CaaS) for customers who have their own app or workflow software and merely want digital signature functionality built in without having to deploy Public Key Infrastructure.
Digital signature features
All signatures are created using digital X.509 standard for public-key certificates.
Timestamping is applied through a trusted Timestamping Authority (TSA).
Embedded record of the state of the certificate at the time of signing.
Document content is protected from start to end using cryptographic algorithms.
Full auditable X.509 trusted AATL embedments for every signer in the workflow.
An automated history of events are logged against a unique document ID.
Audit logs are written and sealed into the document using steganography.
Supports Adobe® Accredited Trust List and European Union Accredit Trust List.
Multi-factor authentication and AD, LDAP, OAuth, SAML, and other options are available.
Embedded auditable record of the geographical location of signatories.
Core eSignature Features
Included in Business License
News Watch takes a look at digital signatures
Public Key Infrastructure
SigniFlow's certified, international datacentres are enabled with public-key cryptography services for digital signatures.
South Africa - North and South.
Australia East, Malaysia and Singapore.
Netherlands - North.
Brazil - Sao Paulo.
United Kingdom - London.
Businesses everywhere have spoken - and we've listened. We get you. Dealing with customers and suppliers, each with their own systems and processes, can be a tedious task.
You need more than just eSign workflow. You need an intuitive tool that understands your day at the office.
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Why choose SigniFlow?
Increased Security
World-class, industry-leading modern infrastructure and technology that addresses the security use case.More Choice
Brand it your way, deploy it where you want it, and sign with the compliant eSignature type of your choice.Simplicity
A solution that offers peace of mind and simplicity, without compromising on security or compliance.Affordability
There is no reason to pay the prices our competitors charge. Get a quotation from us and compare.Deployment Options
Cloud (SaaS)
Your Cloud
Own deployment
24/7 Online support
We understand your office hours. SigniFlow offers 24/7 online support to all customers.
No matter where you are and no matter what time it is, we are always online to help you meet your deadlines.