eSign Workflow
eSign Compliance
Across the enterprise
At home wherever you are
Data sovereignty, data residency, data localisation, or data privacy, we've got you covered.
Complying with local and international data regulations have never been easier.
Choose the only platform that offers a choice between international, regional or in-country cloud, or go ballistic on security and deploy us on-premise, or in your cloud.
The Environment
How many trees does your office use?
It takes 24 trees to make 1 ton of office paper. In other words, 1 tree makes 16.67 reams of paper, or 1 ream = 6% of one tree. This relates to, an average office of 50 people, each using three reams of paper per month, use around 108 trees per year.
With SigniFlow, the same office use around 2 trees per year, in toilet paper. Sorry, not even our ninjas can help you there.
Last year, our customers saved
Sarah feels confident.
Sarah knows her identity is safe.
A Safe Digital Journey
Be like Sarah. Enter our world where your identity, and that of your customers, are respected and protected by proven crypto-technology.
Integrated with trusted digital identity providers across the world, we ensure a safe digital journey.
From digital onboarding with identity proofing and authentication, to electronic signing and document preservation.
We solve real problems for real people, living in a digital world
We love our ninjas and our ninjas love our customers - 24/7/365